Remain true to our original aspiration and follow compassion and wisdom---Buddhist College of Minnan held the Grand Opening of the 16th Undergraduate and 10th Preparatory Graduation Ceremony

Information Sources: nanputuo Article author: admin release time: 2019/6/11 23:57:45

Heartdrifts to mountains and mountainslike the Cloud.

Everywhere can be theLingshan(Vulture Peak)wheremy heart can return to.

Follow my original aspiration on the way. 

Never forget compassion and wisdom but always take them all.

On the morning of June 11th, 2019, the 16th undergraduate and the 10th Preparatory and the first Buddhist Spiritual Nurturing Class Graduation Ceremony of the Minnan Buddhist College were grandly held in the lecture hall of the Nanputuo Temple. 281 graduates with deep memory and full spirit of BCM perfectly completed the studies and embarked on a new journey of life.

Leading guests at the rostrum

The Most Ven. Ze Wu addressed.

Ven. Jie Xiang hosted the Graduation Ceremony.

Mr. Su Rendeng (The Deputy Director of Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Xiamen), Mr. Shen Zhongyong (The Director general of the First Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Xiamen), the Most Ven. Ze Wu (The Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, President of the Xiamen Buddhist Association, and Rector of the Buddhist College of Minnan), Ven. Ding Heng (The Executive Vice President of Xiamen Buddhist Association), Ven. Jing Xin (The Vice Rector of the BCM), Ven. De Huang (The Superintendent of Nanputuo Temple of Xiamen), Ven. Hong Lai ( The Director of the Office of Teaching Affairs of BCM), Ven. Jing An (The Director of the Office of Student Affairs of the BCM), Ven. Jie Song (The Director of the International Division of the BCM), Ven. TiJie (The Director of the Tai Xu Library of BCM), Ven. Neng Shun (The Deputy Director of the Office of the Nanputuo Charitable Foundation of Xiamen, and the Director of the Xiamen Nanputuo Temple Charity Association), Mrs. Miujialin (The Director of the Nanputuo Temple Business Division) attended the ceremony. Prof. J. M. Ananda Jayawickrama (The Director of PGIHS, University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka), Ven. Prof. MuwaetagamaGnananandaThero (Chairperson of the Board of Study for Religious and Cultural Studies, PGIHS, University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka) were invited to attend. The ceremony was presided over by Ven. Jie Xiang (Executive Vice-Rector of BCM), and venerables of various divisions, teachers and graduates attended the graduation ceremony.


Participators were singing the national anthem together.

Most Ven. Ze Wu (The Rector of the BCM) burned incense and worshiped the Buddha.

Participators chanted Sūtra together.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the graduation ceremony began in the majestic national anthem. Then Most Ven. Ze Wu burned incense and hosted, leading the participators to chant Sūtra, prayed for the future of our graduates, and wished long abiding of the true Dharma, the prosperous national fortune, the peaceful world, and the happy people.


Ceremony scene

The participating Leaders and guests of college

The participating Leaders and guests of college

The Most Ven. Ze Wu was full of affectionate blessings and congratulated the graduates, and earnestly enjoined graduates: “First, humility, to have a receptive mind as a hollow mountain arouses echoes; second, contentment and happiness, conscious of kindness and acknowledging a duty to repay it; third, inclusiveness, with the heart that embraces the universe; fourth, keeping kindness and compassion in mind, behaving with wisdom; fifth, sticking to faith, without selflessness. He said: "When you encounter difficulties, please take out your wisdom, show your courage, show your compassion, don't forget the toughness of 'Edge of Sword goes out from sharpening', don't forget the depth of 'plum blossoms come from bitter cold ', never give up, never slacken, and work hard to create a new situation."

The Monk students of the BCM

The Nun students of the BCM

The Most Ven. Ze Wu emphasized: "The graduates from the BCM should not be merely a demeanor of the Buddhist school of ordinary significance. It should not be the pursuit of material, status and fame, but should be a pity vow of compassion and giving, putting the people first, and not forgetting the bitter people in the world. They are eager to persist in the Buddhist faith and pursue unremittingly the truth after the test of violent storms and waves. It is to seek the Dharma and promote Buddhism, to attain awakening and actualizing the Way, to be conscious of kindness and acknowledge a duty to repay it, to do the selfless dedication with all you have."

Ven.Ding Heng, Executive Vice President of Xiamen Buddhist Association, delivered a speech.

Ven. Ding Heng, on behalf of the Xiamen Buddhist Association, expressed his congratulations on   the graduates. He said: "The students have perfectlycompleted their studies and have a new identity and a new mission. I hope that everyone can seek theabovepath of Buddhahood and vow to transform all living beings below, and solemnise the country, and benefit thesentient beings. As an old schoolmaster, I sincerely hope that everyone will remember the Motto of College, parallel cultivation of compassion and wisdom, strict observance of the precepts, practicingwith great concentration, persistence of the aspiration for enlightenment, and continuous diligence (vīrya)."

Mr. Su Rendeng, Deputy Director of Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Xiamen, delivered a speech.

Deputy Director Su Rendeng, on behalf of the Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs in Xiamen, congratulated the graduates of the college and put forward three requirements for the graduates: “First is to be a high-quality Buddhist faculty member and to be a qualified successor to the Buddhist career; second, we must adhere to the direction of religious Sinicization; third, we must follow the rules and regulations, having our own religious faith and patriotism."

Vice-rector Venerable Jing Xin read out the college's decision on commending "perfect full attendance in both daily ceremonies (morning and evening recitations) and the classroom" and awarded the certificate.

Issuing a certificate of commendation

Issuing a certificate of commendation

Venerable Jing Xin read out the college's decision on commending "perfect full attendance in both daily ceremonies (morning and evening recitations) and the classroom" and awarded the certificate. Twenty-two students perfectly attended the hall of the daily chanting in the morning and evening of the four-year undergraduate course and attended allthe class to receive full recognition and reward. At the graduation ceremony, the Buddhist College of Minnan produced a new version of the certificate and Ven. Jing Xin introduced its significance to everyone. He said: "The graduation certificate of BCM is the result of the students' study in the college and is also an important milestone in the path of learning Buddhism. In order to make students feel proud and heavy responsibility as a one member of BCM by taking the certificate, and know that it is valuable and difficult to become a young talented monk or nun of the Chinese Buddhism and accept higher Saṃgha education.  The Most Ven. Ze Wu Rector was compassionate, re-designed and produced the graduation certificate of the college. The new certificate fully reflects the academic tradition and academic style of the BCM, and it also entrusts the Most Ven. Ze Wu Rector’s great kindness and expectation for the graduates of the college."

The Most Ven. Ze Wu read the certificate.


The Most Ven. Ze Wu awarded the certificate.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Rector's office.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the permanent resident of Nanputuo Temple.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Nanputuo Charitable Foundation of Xiamen.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Administrative Office.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Office of Teaching Affairs.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Office of Student Affairs

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the International Division.

The Undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented a souvenir to the Library of Tai Xu.

Subsequently, the leaders and guests of the BCM issued the graduation certificate for the preparatory class, and the Most Ven. Ze Wu also personally awarded the graduation certificates one after another and took a group photo. In order to express gratitude, the 16th undergraduate graduating class respectfully presented souvenirs to the Rector's Office, the permanent resident of the Nanputuo Temple, the Nanputuo Charity Foundation of Xiamen, and the five divisions of the BCM.

Rev. Chang Xue (Male Buddhist undergraduate class of BCM) led the graduates to make a vow.

Rev. Chang Xue (Male Buddhist undergraduate class of BCM) led the graduates to make a vow:“After returning to our respective temples, we should not disappoint or forget the teachings of the leaders of college, venerables, and teachers. We should support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, obey the law, and strictly observe the precepts, cultivate meditation and wisdom, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of Buddhism to contribute our mind and intelligence for the development of Chinese Buddhism, the prosperity of the motherland, the happiness of the people,.” The resonant voice was heard throughout the lecture hall. It wasa vivid manifestation of the graduates from the BCM who vowed to make a great vow with compassion and wisdomandwouldremain true to theoriginal aspiration) "

Ven. Liao Rui delivered a speech of congratulations on behalf of Venerables and teachers.

Ven. Liao Rui delivered a speech of congratulations on behalf of (BCM’s) Venerables and teachers. He said: "The teachers are proud of everyone's growth. Graduation is a milestone and a gorgeous dividing line. From then on, you will start a new journey. There is no key point to promote Buddhism, academics can be completed, but Bodhisattva’s path depends on practice. I hope that everyone loves all sentient beings, benefits both self and others, contributes to society and the country, keeps in mind the goals, and don’t forget the initial mind while becoming a Buddhist monk  or a  nun.  Thus, you will not be left with the true nature of the Buddhism and sensibility of a peripatetic monk and nun. You are going to leave this familiar campus. The venerables and teachers will always keep watch here and wish you all the best. We hope that no matter where you are, no matter what your achievements are, you can often come back home. ”

Rev. Chang Yu (Male Buddhist Student in the second-year undergraduate Division of BCM) delivered a farewell speech on behalf of the in-school students.

Rev. Chang Yu (Male Buddhist Students Division of BCM) delivered a farewell speech on behalf of the in-school students. He expressed that he would take over the baton from the seniors, complete the mission of inheriting the foundation, carry forward the fine tradition of the BCM, inherit the advantages of the seniors, and establish a good image of the study and practice, to set an example for the next freshman.

Rev. Zhao Qian (Female Buddhist Students Division of BCM) was invited to deliver a thank-you speech on behalf of the graduates.

"Already know brothering the rain and dew with a small body, but always wish to show gratitude to sunshine in spring within the tiny heart." Rev. Zhao Qian (Female Buddhist Students Division of BCM) was invited to deliver a thank-you speech on behalf of the graduates. She expressed the appreciation of the graduates to the Most Ven. Ze Wu Rector and the venerables of various divisions of the BCM, and deeply attached to the venerable in charge of a class, venerables of class, classmates, and shared the harvest and sentiment of the final lesson of graduation. She said: "All graduates will try their best to practice the right knowledge, right view, apply what they have learned to practice, and practice and act according to Dharma, and carry out the spirit of "Compassion and wisdom" of the college, and benefit more people. They will not disappoint the reputation of 'the people of Minnan College with compassion and wisdom'."

The Graduation ceremony was perfectly completed,and the gathering sang the Triple Gem Song together.

The graduation ceremony ended perfectlyin the solemn Triple Gem song. “One who has only compassion without wisdom is an ordinary mortal. One with both compassion and wisdom is called Bodhisattva. “College time is only a part of life. The journey after graduation is the real beginning of practicing "Humanistic Buddhism” and opening up life learning. Another group remembers the true meaning of "Compassion and Wisdom", and those graduates who loveall sentient beings and love our family and country will embark on the journey, will be on the road to learning Buddhism to provide for the world, and repay four kinds of kindness above; to have right effort and right action in the promotion of Buddhism and benefiting sentient beings, they will benefit the society and the people withBuddhist Wisdom, and more students will definitely add another piece to the glorious history of the BCM.

Venerables, teachers and students in the ceremony

Ven. Master Hui Quan of the Nanputuo Temple founded the BCM in 1925, and it has a history of 94 years. It is one of the oldest colleges in the history of modern Chinese Buddhism and a national-level higher Buddhist College. It has preparatory Graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate education qualifications and has an international foreign language Buddhist class (postgraduate class). BCM currently has the Nanputuo Temple Campus (Male Buddhist students division), Zizhulin Nunnery Campus and Wanshilian Nunnery Campus (Female Buddhist students division). It has graduated 16 batches of undergraduates, 10 batches of preparatory graduates, 9 batches of postgraduates, and one batch of in-service postgraduates, with more than 3,000 graduates in total. In 2019, the BCM is enrolling students including the new undergraduate, preparatory, postgraduate, and international foreign language Buddhist studies classes.

Venerables, teachers and students in the ceremony


At the beginning of the period from 1925 to 1936, 300 graduates trained by the BCM, crossed the ocean, becoming pioneers in the promotion Buddhism in Southeast Asia or Europe and the United States, or stayed in the country, silently guarding the Buddhist Lineage during the turmoil period, showing the style of the elder masters and the spiritof the BCM. BCM is proud of them.

It has been 34 years sinceits resumption in 1985, and the BCM exported nearly 3,000 graduates to the Buddhist circles at home and abroad. At the same time, more than 30 people went abroad to study abroad, and nearly 100 people went to Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United States, Canada, and other countries to promote and spread Buddhism. Most of the graduates in China have become the backbone and successors of temples, Buddhist colleges, Buddhist research institutions, and regulatory agencies.

With the inheriting, improvement and development of the Ven. Master Tai Xu, the Ven. Master Da Xing, the Ven. Master Miao Zhan, the Most Ven. Sheng Hui, and the Most Ven. Master Ze Wu, the BCM has become an important base for the cultivation of Chinese Buddhist masters, an important base for exporting talented monks and nuns, and an important window for modern Chinese Buddhism to open to the outside world.

In the future, the BCM will continue to be based on the Original Intentionof the Buddha, actively practice the "Humanistic Buddhism" thought, be urged on by the "Compassion and wisdom", the motto of BCM, adhere to the "Having own religious faith and patriotism, learning and practice equally " of school mission, and the "Integration of learning and practice, the college life is followed as the system of the public monastery” of the policy of running school, guided by the core values of socialism, adheres to the direction of Buddhism in China, follows the path of running Chinese religious college, strengthens cultivation of talented monks and nuns, and provides solid talented monks and nuns guarantee for actively guiding Buddhism to adapt to a socialist society.


All venerables, teachers and students took a group photo.
